Florist Design - for Him
Product ID: BOU17_102Show description
You are not sure which bouquet to choose? Trust an experienced florist! She will prepare for you a beautiful bouquet in tones of blue-purple-dark pink, consisting of fresh seasonal flowers! You can add a card with wishes to the bouquet.
NOTE - Presented photo of the bouquet, is an example photo. The final product may differ from the presented.
NOTE - Presented photo of the bouquet, is an example photo. The final product may differ from the presented.
Everyone deserves beautiful flowers. After all, they symbolize many feelings and emotions that we can't always share. With this in mind, a masculine bouquet of flowers was created, which is based on blue and purple tones and seasonal specimens that captivate with their freshness and beautiful aroma. The bouquet was created with all bosses, brothers and fathers in mind, who, celebrating their name days and birthdays, deserve a beautiful, original and unique bouquet on this day. Our proposal will wonderfully compose with both sweet baked goods, as well as a mascot or a basket of fruit. Such a duet will certainly surprise many a jeweler! So, if you do not know what custom bouquet to choose - trust the creative initiative of experienced florists!
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- Personalized message
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