Joyful Bouquet

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Autumn bouquet in colors of joy is a fantastic choice for all lovers of classic flowers! The bouquet arranged in the traditional style, consisting of lilies, roses and gerberas will surely attract the attention of even the most demanding recipients. Send sunny greetings, even when it's cold and wet outside!
The bouquet will be made by a local florist,
The vase is not part of the order, you can add it to your basket from the extras.
Number of flowers may vary slightly from the picture shown. The final product may differ slightly from the one presented in the photo.
The bouquet presented on the photo is a medium size. The size of a small and large bouquet will differ in the value of components and flowers used.

Our Joyful Bespoke Bouquet will bring a smile to any gifted person. The composition of multicolored flowers captivates with its intense color, but also with its beautiful fragrance. The lilies used in the bouquet symbolize glory, majesty, but also innocence and delicacy. Gerberas, on the other hand, are a symbol of respect, appreciation and beauty. The combination of these two gifts of nature makes the bouquet an extremely versatile composition - both for name days and anniversaries. It is through them that you will express appreciation, pride, but also success. To such a Joyful, yellow and red bouquet, it is worth matching a sweet bakery, which will evoke even more... joy!

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