For Grandmother" Bouquet

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Grandma's Day is a wonderful opportunity to show our love and affection! Orange bouquet of carnations, lilies, gerberas and santini is a perfect gift idea! The product on the picture is a medium size. Bouquet will be made according to the amount. Price does not include the vase. You can add a card with wishes to flowers.

A grandmother is a mainstay who will always give a helping hand, listen and show care. She is the one you go to for a slice of cheesecake and warm tea in a glass with a basket. During such visits - or when Grandma lives several hundred kilometers away from you - it is worth giving her a beautiful, fresh bouquet that charms with its orange color. The flowers used in the bouquet symbolize respect, gratitude and appreciation, which are worth sharing with your beloved babushka. So choose it for her next birthday, name day, holiday or Grandmother's Day, which deserves to be celebrated together. The smile you'll see on her face is worth the world's greatest treasures! Such is the power of fresh and aromatic bouquets.

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