Joyful Note Bouquet

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Celebrate important days! A bouquet consisting of roses, gerberas and astras in white and blue tones is a perfect gift for a man. A note is attached to the bouquet where you can write your message. Arrangement will be arranged by a local florist.

The vase is not included in the bouquet price.
If you want to order a gift for Grandpa's Day, this bouquet will be a great idea. Beautiful white and blue flowers will surprise him with freshness on a winter day, and their smell will fill the whole house. Delicate roses, gerberas and asters together create a beautiful composition, complemented by green additions. Grandfather will certainly be happy with such a gift - after all, it's his special day!

Our flowers are a great gift idea for a loved one. They express many emotions: love, memory, gratitude. Especially Grandparents should be thanked on their important days. In addition to our bouquet for Grandpa's Day, you can also order flowers for Grandma's Day! Thanks to this, you will give both of them an individual gift. A gift for Grandparents should express your warm feelings for them that have been the same since childhood.

In addition to beautiful flowers with delivery, you can also order delicious pastries for Grandma's and Grandpa's Day. Among them you will find dedicated cakes for Grandparents, hand-decorated gingerbreads and many other traditional pastries made by our local confectioneries. Get to know our offer and order something sweet especially for your relatives.

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